Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Sinful Colors Professional Nail Enamel

Hey Y'all,

So, I'm not really a nail polish girl. Most times when I wear any polish with color, the white tips of my nails show through and it irks my nerves! But, while in Meijer the other day I saw these colors and I just couldn't resist, especially when there was a sale sign '3 for $2'. 

Sinful Colors Professional
Glorious, gorgeous colors on your fingers. It will complete your outfit and expresses your mood. Toluene, formaldehyde & DBP free.
Made in USA

© 2012 Mirage Cosmetics, Inc.

They offer more that 30 colors with fun names like  Under 18 , Savage and Soulmate.

First up, Folly 395
Very pretty fuschia color

Next, Boogie Nights 854
This pic doesn't do the color justice, but it is almost like a neon peachy color

Lastly, Rise and Shine 940 
This color is like a deep sea foam green.


 Well, the description of the brand definitely rings true for me. The colors are pretty gorgeous on the fingers and complete an outfit. If you are looking for something that will last a while and by a while, I mean a week, you should keep it moving to your OPI or Nicole brands. I noticed chipping around the edges of my nails on day 3. It glides on easily, but it is a tad on the runny side. I got those pesky pools of polish in the sides of my nails that you pray doesn't ooze over onto your skin. Hate those! But all in all, it was a good experience.

If you like to change your polish often this is  for you! Will I buy again? Yes, because of the color range. It's like wearing candy on your nails! I have my eye on Timbleberry. Also, you can't beat the price. I think you can get these at Walgreens for $.99!

: )


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hey Y'all!

Hmmmm...my first blog post...what to write...

Not to sound too boring, but I'm pretty bored. 

Don't you hate when someone asks what you like to do in your spare time and you have no real interesting answer? A cool person might say, oh, I like to rock climb, run 10ks or learn different languages (I do like learning different languages, though..Bonjour,y'all!). But,all you can come up with is the typical, I like to hang out with friends, go to the movies,yada yada. When in all reality you wanna say is, I LOVE to buy  makeup, do my friends makeup, read magazine articles about makeup and oh, I'm also addicted to watching YouTube videos on makeup! No? Well, that's what I really wanna scream out and with conviction.

You might say to yourself that answer sounds alright to a female. To a male, the ones usually asking the spare time question, that answer makes their  faces want melt off! And this topic comes up a lot, since I am getting older and heading towards the "30 and Flirty" category (face palm)and  looking for my future mate. Le Sigh. That's a whole other topic I'm sure I'll make a post about.

I guess I'm here because I like to talk about makeup and I don't necessarily have people who like to talk about it around me. So, I'm hoping it's here that I find people who do. I'll probably be rambling on about stuff unrelated to makeup up as well;i.e. me turning 30( double face palm). 

So,  hope all is well! Talk to you in a bit!
